After spending years learning all I could about internet technologies I thought I would start a blog on the subject.
I intend to cover all aspects of web design and development and provide resources for the budding E-Entrepeneur.
Its easier than ever to deploy your own site or applications, as I will reveal, but there is a lot to know, and a lot of decisions to make.
I will reveal sources of:
- Free software and development tools
- Free Tutorials
- Free Templates
- Cheap graphics which you can use legally on your site
- Free E-Commerce solutions
- Free Blogging software
- Free Content Management Systems
I will also review:
- Programming technologies, to help you decide which to use
- Web designers for those of you who havent the time to do things yourself!
In addition I will discuss the latest goings on in the world of E-Commerce, Outsourcing, Adsense, Linux and anything else I can think of!
In a nutshell, this site is aimed at helping users make the most of whats already out there, to exploit the mass of tutorials, forums, open source software and templates already available to you.
This is a crash course in how to use the web as cheaply and effectively as possible!